Option A
36 %
Option B
64 %
Showing 50/50 responses
Public    29 Mar 2021
18 Responses to Option A
18 people chose A as their choice
3. in my own thoughts
5. i like the animation because i feel the ad with the man on it seems to common and plain.
8. It is appealing and vivid.
10. Option 1 is more appealing and there is possibility to get quick feedback because of that I choose it
12. I prefer ads without people. I feel like 1 looks more professional overall. I think the tagline is boring and generic.
14. Option 1 was very attractive and good in design
18. I like the way it looks and it is interesting
21. To improve the condition.
26. Option one flows much better and it's easier to look at and easier on the eyes, it flows super well and I like it
28. Having a visual cartoon is more stimulating that a man with bubbles.
30. It looks more professional. it shows how much you need help to get what you need.
35. I don't care for the man in the other ad. I like the arrows pointing in different directions to show that the company will direct the man shown.
37. I think that the illustration serves as a way to answer questions and makes things less easy to understand.
38. It has more information and I like the graphics more
41. I feel that option 1 is more legitimate and modern, option 2 seems like a quickly made clickbait ad.
43. Its better quality
48. I thought it was a more relatable image that presented a problem I would encounter and the solution the site would provide.
32 Responses to Option B
32 people chose B as their choice
1. more bright
2. get insights quickly is market validate 68% yes
4. I option 2 better because its simple and easy to understand what the platform is about. The tagline is fine and makes it stand out from others.
6. Its easier to read
7. Less reading, it's easy to comprehend quickly and gets the message across.
9. I just find that this one is more concrete of an idea than Option 1. I also like numbers so I'm drawn to this one. The tagline is fine, though it does feel very generic.
11. It gives better information. It's clearer, and the man looks happy. The other as shows confusion.
13. I prefer seeing the numbers nice and easily.
15. I find it more attractive and informative, compelling.
16. Option 2 shows a simple but effective way of communicating to the consumer to what it does.
17. More attractive and can be easily be seen.
19. The picture explains the concept in a better and clearer way.
20. Confident man on the right; confused man on the left.
22. It looks a lot like more interesting. The man in the ad helps
23. I prefer option 2 because I think a real person showing the power and effectiveness of marketvalidate is better than a cartoon visual in option 1.
24. its a very natural and market validate
25. Option 1 looks too "busy", with small text and bullet points. Not worth reading/glancing at. The tag line is fine, although I'm not sure a crowd decision can usually be considered wise
27. It had numbers on it and seemed to inform me a little better then the other ad
29. Option two takes less time to think about. It offers two options, and chooses the one that is most likely the best.
31. I like the guy
32. The colors just pop a little more, grabbing the attention. The other image is better but looks faded and washed out making it easier to ignore.
33. I like the design of it better. The tag line is kina lame.
34. this guy has a lot more personality than the other image
36. I actually prefer option 1, but I'm not like most people. Option 2 clearly gets to the point and will boost sales short-term.
39. I feel like Option 1 has to much going on and is distracting. Option 2 is easy to look at and gets straight to the point.
40. The actor is appealing and makes me want to learn more
42. it seems more realistic and not stresfull
44. Its more appealing
46. I like how its presented
47. like using the person in the picture holding up the results; explains what sight does simply.
49. I liked seeing a person, it makes it feel more real.
50. it look llikes good

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